Awesome quotes/notes from
"the Ten Commandments" by Emmet Fox
Notes/Not Direct Quotes
*Divine Providence = Us to be masters of our conditions
*Before you change your state of consciousness nothing else can change.
*Bible = ME. This means ME, because everything in the Bible is a study in human psychology and metaphysics. It is only secondarily a historical book. The Bible is primarily and almost entirely a study in psychology and so everybody in the Bible is every person. The Bible is always concerned with the states of mind.
*It is the practical conduct all day long that builds up consciousness. God is spirit {think what spirit means} God is love, God is intelligence, God is life, God is wisdom.
*the Mountain always means prayer or treatment - the elevated consciousness. The so called "common people" in the text applies to all of our faults and weaknesses.
*Seven Daughters = Seven Main Aspects Of God
1. Life {consciousness}
2. Truth
3. Love
4. Inelligence
5. Soul
Direct Quotes
"The only thing you have of spiritual knowledge is what you practice. What you read in books you do not have. What you speak to others about you do not have. It is what you practice that you incorporate in the subconscious , and it is with you for the rest of this life and for future lives too. You can only take with you that which you incorporate in the subconscious mind. All the rest you have to leave behind - all the things on the bookshelves and all the things you may have studied. It is what you practice that stays with you.
-Emmett Fox, the Ten Commandments, 1953
" What does the word 'Exodus' mean? It means an exit, a going or a getting-out of trouble. An exit is a way out and, with trouble, the idea is to get out quickly. The book of Exodus deals with the getting out of evil, because all evil is limitation of one kind or another."
-Emmett Fox, the Ten Commandments, 1953
"There is one great fundamental law: the Law Of Being... the summing up of all laws in life, and it is this: whatever comes to you, whatever appears to you, whatever surrounds you, will be in accordance with your consciousness and nothing else; that whatever is in your consciousness must happen, no matter who tries to stop it; and whatever is not in your consciousness cannot happen"
-Emmett Fox, the Ten Commandments, 1953
"So if we want health, if we want happiness, if we want true self expression, if we want divine freedom, then we hve to leran the laws of he human soul, and the laws of psychology and metaphysics. We have to learn them and apply them - simplicity itself. Not easy, but simple"
-Emmett Fox, the Ten Commandments, 1953
"If we are not ready for spiritual truth neither Moses nor Jesus Christ himself could give it to us until we are ready for it. The object of our prayers and meditations is o make ourselves ready for more understanding; and when we are ready it must come. Always it is a question of degree. The knowledge always comes when the consciousness is ready"
-Emmett Fox, the Ten Commandments, 1953
"You build up your consciousness by the hings you do all day long"
-Emmett Fox, the Ten Commandments, 1953
Other Notes:
Spiritual gestation is nourished by daily prayer and meditation, and by the right thought all day long - not fussily pouncing on every thought, but by knowing in general way that the presence of God is with you.
Moses name means "drawn out of water"
water = the human mind, the human personality, and especially the emotional nature
ReplyDeleteIt is great to hear again a master such as Emmet Fox expound upon the esoteric, high meanings and values of the spiritual texts and stories.
Thank you for sharing it with us.
Brother J