Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Wetside of the Island Part I

 On the way we passed through a village called Naalehu.  This old theatre captured my attention. 

In Kea'au there is a Natural Foods store with an exceptional bulk section and the best price for healthful products that I've seen on the island.  Kea'au Natural Foods has uva ursi (as bareberry) in bulk and they even have bentonite clay and cacao nibs... items that one usually doesn't find in bulk.  I came across something there called "Arjuna" which is a specific tree from India, Terminalia arjuna... worthy of study.  The store supports raw food products and even imports some from the mainland as there seems to be no one making such products on the island (yet).

Working in Kea'au Natural Food market is a brother, Steve, from Eden, AZ.  Steve was one of the hippies that use to live out at the Springs.   In my heart the words "everywhere I go I meet my soul family".

Wild jungle growing near Lava Tree State Park.

The Kea 'au and Pahoa are wonderful areas.  We went out this way on two days but the camera only holds about 10 or so photos and I was more mesmerized by the country side jungles than the towns.

    Car shown to demonstrate the size of the trees and leave at Lava Tree.  We intended to go into Lava Tree but they are closed until December so we drove on.
Mural on the wall of a building in Pahoa.
Pahoa is an ideal village that is relatively close to the beaches and has a decent sized community of rastas and rainbows seeking a peaceful, enjoyable life.  There are some excellent restaurants.  Stan took me to a huge Mexican restaurant that had potacos (potato tacos) and delicious salads with the option for tofu - prepared in such a way that it resembles fluffy scrambled eggs in both taste and texture.  

Here we took a break after leaving Pahoa on the way to Kehena Beach. 
Ginger (part German Shepard part ???) explores the recent lava flow.  Recent = 1970s.  More to come...


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